An Apology for Poetry | Philip Sidney | Study Guide

An Apology for Poetry

Author: Philip Sidney


Year: Written around 1580, first published posthumously in 1595


Type: Prose essay


About the Title:

"An Apology for Poetry" is a prose essay by Sir Philip Sidney, written around 1580. The title "Apology" does not refer to an expression of regret or remorse but rather to a defense or justification. In this work, Sidney defends poetry as a noble and worthy form of art, countering the criticisms and prejudices against it prevalent during his time.



"An Apology for Poetry" is not a poem but rather a prose work by Sir Philip Sidney, written in the late 16th century and first published posthumously in 1595. It's also known by its alternative title, "A Defense of Poesy."

In this work, Sidney defends poetry against various attacks and criticisms that were prevalent during his time. He argues that poetry is not only a legitimate form of art but also a superior one, capable of conveying truth and wisdom in ways that other forms of discourse cannot.

Sidney asserts that poetry has the power to delight and instruct, combining imaginative creativity with moral insight. He emphasizes the importance of the poet's role as a moral teacher and guide, using examples from classical literature to illustrate the ethical and educational value of poetry.

Throughout "An Apology for Poetry," Sidney celebrates the beauty, richness, and diversity of poetic expression, while also acknowledging its potential for misuse and abuse. He defends poetry against charges of immorality and frivolity, arguing that it can and should be used to promote virtue and understanding.

Overall, "An Apology for Poetry" is a passionate and eloquent defense of the art of poetry, written by one of the most prominent literary figures of the Elizabethan era. While not a poem itself, it remains an important work of literary criticism and a testament to the enduring value of poetry as a form of human expression.


Sidney's "Apology" is a significant work in the history of literary criticism because it defends the value of poetry at a time when it was often disparaged by religious and moral authorities. His arguments for the moral and educational worth of poetry, as well as its ability to convey truth through fiction, have had a lasting influence on how literature is perceived and evaluated.



Defense of Poetry - Sidney defends poetry against its critics, arguing for its value and significance as an art form.

Moral and Educational Function - Sidney emphasizes the moral and educational benefits of poetry, suggesting that it has the power to instruct and edify its readers.

Imagination and Creativity - Sidney celebrates the poet's imaginative powers and creative genius, highlighting the ability of poetry to create vivid and compelling fictional worlds.

Truth and Beauty - Sidney explores the relationship between poetry, truth, and beauty, suggesting that poetry has the capacity to reveal profound truths and evoke aesthetic pleasure.

The value of poetry: Sidney argues that poetry is not only enjoyable but also morally and intellectually beneficial.

The role of literature in society: Sidney contends that literature, particularly poetry, plays a vital role in shaping cultural values and educating the populace.

Overall Discussion:

"An Apology for Poetry" is a seminal work in the history of literary criticism, offering a passionate defense of poetry as a noble and valuable form of art. Sidney's eloquent arguments in favor of poetry's moral, educational, and aesthetic merits have had a lasting impact on subsequent generations of writers and critics. Through his advocacy for the imaginative and creative powers of poetry, Sidney helped to elevate the status of poetry in Renaissance England and beyond, establishing it as a vital and indispensable aspect of human culture and civilization.


An Apology for Poetry | Philip Sidney | Study Guide  An Apology for Poetry | Philip Sidney | Study Guide Reviewed by Tawhidul Islam on May 14, 2024 Rating: 5

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