Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching | 4th Year Exam Suggestion 2022 | 2024

Part – C

Theory of Language

  1. Discuss the structural, functional, and interaction views of language.

Language Teaching Methodology

  1. Give a historical overview of Language Teaching Methodology.

  2. Make a comparative study of the Behaviourist theory and the mentalist theory of L1 acquisition.

  3. What are the key features and techniques of the Direct Method? What are its disadvantages and limitations?

  4. What are the goals and principles of the Audio-Lingual Method?

  5. State the main principle or theoretical foundation of the Total Response Method (TPR). What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

  1. Evaluate the Grammar Translation Method focusing on its main characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

  2. What are the main techniques associated with the GTM?

  3. Identify and discuss the challenges in implementing CLT in Bangladesh. Suggest some solutions.

Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)

  1. What is Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)? Discuss the theoretical principles, chief features, and stages of TBLT.


  1. What are the main concerns, strengths, and limitations of ‘The Natural Approach’.

  2. Identify the problems of teaching English as a ‘second language’ in Bangladesh.

  3. Discuss the procedures of the Natural Approach in Teaching four skills. What are the four basic stages of SLA mentioned in the Natural Approach?

  4. What is Situational Language Teaching (SLT)? Discuss the approach, design, and production of Situational Language Teaching.

  5. Discuss the social and psychological factors that play a vital role in the Acculturation Model of second language development.


  1. What is a Context-Sensitive Pedagogy? How would you design an appropriate pedagogy for your class?

Roles in Classroom

  1. What are the roles played by the learners and the teachers in CLT?

  2. Discuss the importance of ‘pair work’ and ‘group work’ in a language classroom.

  3. Discuss the roles of the learners and teachers in a language-teaching classroom.

  4. Discuss the importance of using teaching aids in a language-learning classroom.

Teaching 7 Skills

  1. What are the different ways of teaching grammar? Discuss.

  2. What are the ways of improving writing skills?

  3. Discuss the major strategies and techniques for developing vocabulary.

Part- B

  1. Distinguish between Acquisition and Learning.

  2. Why should a teacher know the theories of language teaching methods?

  3. What are the goals of the GTM?

  4. In which situation would the use of the GTM yield success?

  5. What are the goals of the Direct Method?

  1. What is the teacher’s role in the Direct Method?

  2. What are the fundamental differences between the Audio-Lingual Method and the Direct Method?

  3. Mention the common teaching techniques used in the Audio-Lingual Method.

  4. Mention the role of the teachers and the students in the Audio-Lingual Method.

  5. What are the main techniques of CLT?

  1. What are the difficulties in implementing CLT in the classroom?

  2. Define communicative competence.

  3. What are the principles of CLT?

  4. What are the basic differences between CLT and GTM?

  5. Write about the principles of Task-based Language Teaching.

  1. What is meant by Post Method Pedagogy?

  2. What is a contextual approach to teaching?

  3. What is meant by tissue rejection in language teaching methodology?

  4. What are the characteristics of a good language learner?

  5. Distinguish between intensive and extensive reading.

  1. Distinguish between approach and method.

  2. What are the challenges of using literature in ESL classrooms?

  3. Do you think English is a threat to other languages?

  4. What are the purposes of teaching vocabulary?

  5. How can synonyms and antonyms be used in teaching vocabulary?

  1. What are the techniques and strategies for developing vocabulary?

  2. What are the basic levels of listening?

  3. What are the main listening materials?

  4. What are the main problems in teaching language in a large class?

  5. What is the concept of the Monitor model?

  1. What is the concept of the Grammar Translation Method?

  2. What is the concept of the Direct Method?

  3. What is the Active Filter Hypothesis?

  4. What are the Macro and Micro writing skills?

Part – A

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Source: Cloud School Pro

Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching | 4th Year Exam Suggestion 2022 | 2024  Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching | 4th Year Exam Suggestion 2022 | 2024 Reviewed by Tawhidul Islam on May 18, 2024 Rating: 5

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