Biographia Literaria | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Study Guide

Biographia Literaria

Author: Samuel Taylor Coleridge


Year: First published in 1817


Type: Autobiography, Literary Criticism


About the Title:

"Biographia Literaria" is a work by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, first published in 1817. The title translates to "Literary Biography" in Latin, reflecting the dual nature of the book as both an autobiography and a work of literary criticism. In "Biographia Literaria," Coleridge reflects on his own life and experiences while also discussing his theories on literature, philosophy, and aesthetics.



"Biographia Literaria" is a work of literary criticism and autobiography written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It was first published in 1817 and remains one of Coleridge's most significant and influential prose works.

In "Biographia Literaria," Coleridge reflects on his own life and experiences, offering insights into his development as a poet, philosopher, and critic. The work is structured as a series of autobiographical chapters interspersed with critical essays and reflections on literary theory.

One of the central themes of "Biographia Literaria" is Coleridge's exploration of the nature of poetry and the role of the poet in society. He discusses the concept of the "imagination" as the creative faculty that enables poets to perceive and express the deeper truths of existence.

Coleridge also delves into the principles of literary criticism, offering his thoughts on the nature of genius, the relationship between form and content in poetry, and the importance of the reader's response to a work of literature.

Another significant aspect of "Biographia Literaria" is Coleridge's engagement with German philosophy and criticism, particularly the ideas of Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Schelling. Coleridge drew on German Romanticism to develop his own theories of poetry and aesthetics, which had a profound impact on subsequent generations of writers and critics.

Overall, "Biographia Literaria" is a rich and complex work that offers valuable insights into Coleridge's intellectual and creative development, as well as his views on literature, philosophy, and the human condition. It remains essential reading for anyone interested in the history of literary criticism and Romanticism.


"Biographia Literaria" is a highly influential work that has been widely studied and debated by scholars of Romanticism and literary theory. It offers valuable insights into Coleridge's intellectual biography and sheds light on the broader cultural and intellectual context of the Romantic period. Coleridge's discussions of the imagination, the nature of poetry, and the relationship between art and philosophy have had a lasting impact on literary criticism and continue to provoke lively debate among scholars and readers.



Autobiography and Self-Reflection - Coleridge reflects on his own life and experiences, tracing his intellectual development and personal struggles.

Literary Criticism and Theory - Coleridge expounds upon his theories of poetry, imagination, and literary composition, offering insights into his views on literature and aesthetics.

Imagination and Creativity - Coleridge discusses the concept of the imagination as the creative faculty of the mind, exploring its role in the production of poetry and works of art.

Language and Thought - Coleridge reflects on the relationship between language and thought, discussing the ways in which language shapes our perception of the world and influences our understanding of reality.

The imagination: Coleridge explores the role of the imagination in poetry and philosophy, arguing that it is the primary faculty through which we apprehend reality and make sense of the world.

The nature of poetry: He reflects on the essence of poetry and its relationship to language, consciousness, and the creative process.

The relationship between art and philosophy: Coleridge considers the ways in which poetry and philosophy intersect and inform one another, arguing that they are complementary modes of understanding reality.

The sublime: He discusses the concept of the sublime and its significance for both poetry and philosophy, exploring how it evokes awe, wonder, and terror in the human mind.

Symbols and Characters:

"Biographia Literaria" does not contain symbols or characters in the traditional sense, as it is primarily a work of autobiography and literary criticism. However, Coleridge does discuss various literary figures and philosophical concepts throughout the book, drawing on them to develop his own ideas and arguments.

Overall Discussion:

"Biographia Literaria" is a rich and complex work that defies easy categorization, blending autobiography, literary criticism, and philosophical reflection. Coleridge's insights into his own life and experiences are interwoven with his theories on poetry, imagination, and creativity, creating a deeply personal and intellectually stimulating work. "Biographia Literaria" remains a landmark in the history of English literature and literary criticism, offering valuable insights into the mind of one of the Romantic era's most influential poets and thinkers.


Biographia Literaria | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Study Guide  Biographia Literaria | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Study Guide Reviewed by Tawhidul Islam on May 14, 2024 Rating: 5

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