Previous Years Brief Questions | Introduction to Prose: Fiction and Non-Fiction
a. When
did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?
Ans: The Battle of Gettysburg
occurred in Gettysburg from July 1 to July 3, 1863.
b. From
whom did Rabindranath Tagore receive the Knighthood?
Ans: Rabindranath Tagore received
the Knighthood from the British King George v.
c. What
does Bacon suggest for a man whose mind wanders?
Ans: For a man whose mind wanders,
Bacon suggests studying mathematics.
d. Who
did the elephant kill?
Ans: The elephant killed a black
Dravidian Coolie.
e. What
was Martin Luther King’s dream?
Ans: His dream was racial equality.
f. On
What excuse did the lady guest drink Champagne?
Ans: The lady guest chose champagne
because her doctor wouldn’t let her drink anything without champagne.
g. Why
didn’t Godfrey marry Molly?
Ans: Godfrey didn’t marry Molly
because Molly was opium addicted.
h. What
did Mandela promise in his inauguration?
Ans: He promised to obey and uphold
the constitution and to devote himself to the well-being of the republic and
its people.
i. What
was the feeling of the narrator when he left Araby?
Ans: He felt humiliated, humbled,
anguished and angry.
j. What
do the cat desired, and the cat found symbolized?
Ans: Here, the ‘cat desired’
symbolizes a child, which the woman desires, and the ‘cat found’ symbolizes her
first step toward a grown-up life.
k. Who
had the garage key, and where did he keep it?
Ans: The driver had the garage key
and hung it from a nail on the wall under his work shirt.
I. What is
criticised in the short story “The Garden Party”?
Ans: The class distinction that
prevailed in contemporary society is criticised in the short story “The Garden
a. What
do studies serve for?
Ans: Studies give pleasure, decorate
conversation, and enhance abilities.
b. When
did the Jalianwallahbag massacre take place?
Ans: The Jalianwallahbag massacre
took place on 13 April 1919.
c. Who is
called Madiba?
Ans: Nelson Mandela.
d. When
was the speech ‘I Have a Dream’ delivered?
Ans: August 28, 1963.
e. What
is the real name of George Eliot?
Ans: Mary Ann Evans.
f. Who is
Ans: Jehovah is a deity in Abrahamic
religions, often identified with the God of Israel and Christianity.
g. What
is the original name of O’Henry?
Ans: William Sydney Porter.
h. What
does ‘Araby’ stand for?
Ans: Araby stands for an ideal of
romance and beauty.
i. Name
the games the children play in ‘Games at Twilight’.
Ans: ‘The game of hide and seek’ and ‘The
funeral game’.
j. Why
did Laura want to stop the party?
Ans: Laura wanted to stop the party as Mr
Scott, one of their neighbours, died in an accident.
k. What
is ‘Gatto’?
Ans: Gatto’ is an Italian word. The
English for the word is ‘cat’.
I. How
did the Burmese express their hatred towards the Europeans?
Ans: The Burmese expressed their
hatred towards the Europeans by spitting betel juice over the dress of the
European women or by stumbling the Europeans.
a. Where
did the author meet the lady for the second time?
Ans: In a theatre.
b. Who
was madam Safronie?
Ans: Madame Safronie owned the hair
shop where Della sold her hair.
c. Who
brought the news of Scott’s Death?
Ans: Godber’s man brought the news
of Scott’s death.
d. When
did Martin Luther King deliver his speech “I Have a Dream”?
Ans: August 28, 1963.
e. What
tickled the back of Ravi’s neck?
Ans: An insect, probably a spider,
tickled the back of Ravi’s neck.
f. What
does the cat stand for?
Ans: In Hemingway’s “Cat in the
Rain”, the cat symbolises a child that the woman desperately wants.
g. What
does the term “aphorism” mean?
Ans: An aphorism is a short phrase
or statement that reveals a truth or principle.
h. What
is an epiphora?
Ans: An epiphora is a rhetorical term
meaning the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of several clauses.
i. What
is Knighthood?
Ans: A knighthood is
a title a British king or queen gives a man for his achievements or service to
his country.
j. How
long did the elephant take to die after being shot?
Ans: Half an hour.
k. What
is an analogy?
Ans: An analogy is a comparison that
illustrates a concept by highlighting similarities between different things or
I. What,
according to Mandela, is the greatest wealth of South Africa?
Ans: The South African People.
a. What
does Martin Luther King Jr mean by the phrase, “Long night of captivity’?
Ans: Suffering for a long time
because of racial discrimination.
b. When
was Nelson Mandela awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
Ans: In 1993, Nelson Mandela was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
c. Why
did panic seize the writer during the luncheon?
Ans: Panic seized the writer during
the luncheon because he was worried about whether he had enough money to pay
the bill.
d. What,
according to Abraham Lincoln, is the duty of the living?
Ans: Lincoln urged living to ensure a “new
birth of freedom,” preserving the Union and honouring the fallen at Gettysburg.
e. What
were the two possessions in which Jim and Della took mighty pride?
Ans: One was Jim’s gold watch, and
the other was Della’s hair.
f. What
do you understand by the word “imperialism”?
Ans: Imperialism is a policy of extending
a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
g. Why,
according to Bacon, do crafty men scorn studies?
Ans: Crafty men scorn studies
because they consider studies useless.
h. What
are the names of the children in “Games at Twilight “?
Ans: Ravi, Raghu, Mira and Manu.
i. How is
George portrayed as a husband in the short story, ‘Cat in the Rain’?
Ans: George is depicted as a very
uncaring husband, totally indifferent to his wife’s needs and desires.
j. Who is
Mrs. Sheridan?
Ans: Mrs. Sheridan is the mother of
k. What
book did the narrator find in his house in the story “Araby”?
Ans: Abbot by Walter Scott, The
Devour Communicant, the Memories of Vidocq.
I. Why
did Silas leave his native town?
Ans: Silas left his own town village
because of the betrayal of his friend, William Dane.
a. What
does the elephant symbolize in the essay “Shooting an Elephant”?
Ans: British Empire.
b. Who
was the football champion in the story “Games at Twilight”?
Ans: Raghu.
c. What
does the cat stand for in the short story ‘Cat in the Rain’?
Ans: In Hemingway’s “Cat in the
Rain”, the cat symbolises a child that the woman desperately wants.
d. What
type of writing is “Gettysburg Address”?
Ans: It is an oratory.
e. What
is the ‘momentous decree’ referred to by Martin Luther King in his speech ‘I
Have a Dream’? Ans: The
Emancipation Proclamation that was issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
f. How
did the Anglo-Indian papers react to the Jalianwallahbag massacre?
Ans: To the utter shock and dismay
of Indian people, the Anglo-Indian papers praised the callousness of the brutal
killing in Jalianwallahbag.
g. What
is the name of Mandela’s political party?
Ans: African National Congress (ANC..
h. Who
are the Magi?
Ans: According to the Christian Bible,
the Magi were the three wise men who came to Bethlehem with presents to pay
homage to the newborn Christ.
i. What
is aphorism?
Ans: Aphorism is a concise statement
which expresses a truth or principle.
j. What
does Silas inherit from his mother?
Ans: He has inherited from his
mother his knowledge of herbs.
k. Who
was Madame Safronie?
Ans: Madame Sofronie owned the hair
shop where Della sold her hair.
I. How
did the lady flatter the young writer?
Ans: The lady flattered the young
writer by writing that she had read a book by him.
a. Whom
did the elephant kill?
Ans: The elephant killed a black
Dravidian coolie.
b. What
was the occasion of the “Gettysburg Address”?
Ans: Lincoln delivered the
Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, during the dedication of a cemetery.
c. Who
was Lord Chelmsford?
Ans: Lord Chelmsford was one of the
Viceroys of India.
d. How
many items of food did the lady guest have at the luncheon?
Ans: The lady guest ate seven items
of food: salmon, caviare, asparagus, ice cream, and peach and drank half a
bottle of champagne and a cup of coffee.
e. Who is
a great American mentioned by Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Ans: Abraham Lincoln.
f. What
is the meaning of ‘Abeunt studia in mores’?
Ans: The quotation “Abeunt studia in
mores”, taken by Bacon from Latin poet Ovid’s “Heroides” (XV, 83, means studies
influence a man’s character and mould his personality.
g. How
did Laura react to the news of Scott’s death?
Ans: Laura was shocked to hear the news
of Scott’s death and wanted to stop the garden party.
h. What
is the setting of the story ‘Araby’?
Ans: Dublin, Ireland.
i. Where
did Mandela spend the night after his release from jail?
Ans: After his release, Mandela
spent his first night of freedom at Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s home in Cape
j. Who
are the biological parents of Eppie?
Ans: Godfrey Cass and Molly Farren.
k. Why
does Nancy refuse for so long to adopt Eppie?
Ans: Nancy refused, feeling it would
go against Providence to adopt a child when no was given naturally.
1. What
did the maid bring for the Signora?
Ans: The Maid brought a cat for the
a. When
did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?
Ans: From July 1 to July 3, 1863.
b. What
is the theme of the story “Cat in the Rain”?
Ans: Isolation
c. On
what excuse did the lady guest drink champagne?
Ans: She excused that the French
white wine was wonderful for digestion and added that her doctor only allowed
champagne for her.
d. What
is the momentous decree referred to by Martin Luther King in his speech “I Have
a Dream”?
Ans: The Emancipation Proclamation
that was issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
e. Who
was the first Deputy President of Mandela’s government?
Ans: Thabo Mbeki.
f. What
is anaphora?
Ans: Anaphora is the
repetition of words at the beginning of successive clauses for emphasis or
rhetorical effect.
g. From
whom did Rabindranath Tagore receive the knighthood?
Ans: Rabindranath Tagore received
his Knighthood from King George V.
h. Who
was O’Donovan Rossa?
Ans: Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa was an
Irish Fenian leader and member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood.
i. Who
was called ‘the butterfly’ in the story “The Garden Party”?
Ans: Jose.
j. How
did the Burmese express their hatred towards the Europeans?
Ans: The Burmese expressed their hatred
towards the Europeans by spitting betel juice over the dress of the European
women or by stumbling the Europeans.
k. Why
did Silas leave his native town?
Ans: Silas left his own town village
because of the betrayal of his friend, William Dane.
l. How
did Della save money to buy a gift for Jim?
Ans: Della scrimped $1.87 for Jim’s
gift, frugally squeezing money from vendors, reddening with frugality.

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